Meaning Salt Pork
What does Salt Pork mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Salt Pork. You can also add a definition of Salt Pork yourself


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Salt Pork

  Salt pork is a pork product similar to bacon that is made by curing pork bellies in salt.  This curing process allowed the pork to last a very long time without the need for refrigeration.  As a result, salt pork became a common food issued to soldiers by both the North and the South.
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Salt Pork

Salt-cured pork which is essentially a layer of fat. Salt pork is from the pig's belly or sides. It's used to flavor beans, greens, and other dishes.


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Salt Pork

Jamaican salt pork is salt-cured, this is a layer of fat that is cut from the pig's belly and sides. Jamaican salt pork is similar to bacon but much fattier and unsmoked. Jamaican salt pork is used primarily as a flavoring and is an important ingredient in many Jamaican dishes. T
Source: (offline)

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